This is It: The Last Push to the Finish Line

This was a hard week for me. Life decided to throw a curve ball at my family. It took a few days to process it. There was a lot of procrastination, journaling, and managing my thoughts. It’s a little too fresh to share right now, but I’m sure I will once we are on the other side of it.

So, back to the progress on my room. Obviously, my motivation did take a hit this week, but I did make some progress. My goal this week was to decide on what supplies needed replacing if any and what new organization items I need if any and to obtain those items. I have designated a new location for works in progress in my bins as you can see below. I knew I wanted a drying rack for my paintings. I ran across a vertical paper organizer while cleaning. I had not been using it, because I had a new organizing system for my papers (mainly scrapbooking papers). I decided this would be a perfect place for my paintings on mixed-media paper to dry. I will still need to work something out for my larger pieces. That may have to wait until we are over this hurdle.

This is my last (planned) week to work on my room. My goal this week is to have everything organized and put away in their new designated areas. Then, I will clean all my surfaces and the floor. I also want to move things around just a bit so I can easily access my easel. I don’t know if you remember from my first post this month, but I had to move my desk for filming and now it is in the way of my easel. That will need to be fixed this week.

Have you been following along and reorganizing an area of your home? If so, let me know how it is going. I want to hear. Email me.


i Did it!


How are Those January Goals Looking?