How are Those January Goals Looking?

Here we are… going into the third week of January. How are your goals going for January? Are you still making progress on them? Have you given up? If so, it is not too late to still say yes to your goals. This is your reminder. If you had a goal for January, we are halfway through January. Now is the time to dig in if you have wavered. Just because you may have missed a day or maybe even a week of doing what you said you were going to do doesn’t mean you failed. Habits take time to develop. Without judgment of yourself, just get back to work. You haven’t failed until you stop trying. So, keep going NO MATTER WHAT! Imperfect consistency is what will get you there.

Now, let’s talk about my progress on my room. I didn’t even touch my studio Monday-Thursday. I’m getting adjusted to a new schedule I have chosen for work, homeschool, and life balance. Friday, I decided it was time to do what I said I was going to do and spent time in my studio. Going through supplies like I said I would last week. The good thing was I did organize my acrylic paints a few months ago and threw out a lot that was no longer usable. I just need to go through my old pens and markers and I have a lot of them. I also started organizing things into their new homes within my studio. I know that wasn’t part of the plan this week, but there is nothing like getting a head start.

This week, my assignment (and yours if you are following along) is to decide if there is anything I need to replace from the products I purged and to decide if there are any organizational products I need to purchase before I get my studio back in order. I have decided that I need some type of drying rack for my paintings that are in different stages. They take up too much room when I just lay them out across my surfaces. I need something stackable. I will continue to brainstorm this week on what I need and go ahead and order them or go purchase them locally to get ready for putting everything back in order the next week.

This is the key to getting big goals accomplished. In December, while deciding on my goals, I knew I wanted to get this done in January. I asked myself: What 4 stages can I break this down into to spread this massive project into doable weekly tasks. Baby steps! Cleaning my whole studio seemed like an overwhelming task, but I knew I could do the 4 smaller task.

Email me and let me know what your goal is for January and how it is going.


This is It: The Last Push to the Finish Line


Studio Room Update