Studio Room Update

So last week, I said I had a goal to clean up my studio in January. The first step was to remove all of my scrapbooking supplies from this room and take them to the basement. I also challenged you to pick an area in your home to do the same. If your kiddo is starting my art course, you may have new art supplies that you need to contain. Maybe your homeschool area needs re-organizing. Last week, your assignment was to designate an area (a room, a closet, a rolling cart) and remove anything from that area that didn’t belong. So, how did it go?

I’ll tell you how it went from me. I did have a challenge finding time to do it as I had a pretty busy week, but I made it a priority and got it done…mostly. I packed up probably 8-10 boxes and took them downstairs. You may not be able to tell from the photos, but I moved a LOT. I’m sure there are more things I will run across in the coming weeks that need to be removed, but I am happy with the progress I made. Telling you about this goal has kept me accountable. I’m not sure I would have made much progress if I wasn’t planning to blog about my it, so thanks for listening!

Now, on to the next step! I am going to go through my products and throw out anything that doesn’t work anymore (paints that dried up, markers, pens, etc.). I will also continue to look for things that need to be moved to the basement. Eventually, I would like to move my whole studio down there, but my basement is not ready for me yet and I need to make more room in this studio. Since I haven’t scrapbooked in a few years, I’ll pack it away for a bit.

So, here is your homework if you are following along with me. Throw out anything that is not working or not serving you anymore. If it is still functional, you can donate it.

That’s it, but don’t keep your progress to yourself. I want to see your before pictures. Don’t be scared. I mean did you see my pictures?? Share them with me @katkinsstudio on Instagram and Facebook. Not feeling that brave? Hit reply and show just me. I won’t share it, but I want to cheer you on.

See you next week.


How are Those January Goals Looking?


new year / Clean Slate