i Did it!

I finally completed the rearranging and organizing of my studio! This last week included the biggest part of the job. I got most of the work done this weekend. It feels amazing to have this done by the time I said I would. January goal… done!

Now, I won’t trip over the box lights and camera stands. I placed them between my two tables. One I use as a desk and to record my courses. The other I will use for painting surfaces that I want to keep flat rather than standing up on my easel. Since the tables are only separated by lights and stands, I can easily run my cords for my laptop and other devices down there too. Before, I had cords running all over the place which was another hazard. Here is a look at the final results.

You may have noticed I have an old throw pillow on my table by the window and another by the easel on a bottom shelf. Those are for the cats. They like to hang out in here when I’m in here. I have learned that if you give them a cozy place to lie, they won't lie down in the middle of what you are working on. Kirby (my dog) comes in here too, but he’s good with the floor.

Have you been following along and reorganizing an area of your home? If so, let me know how it is going. I want to hear. Email me.

Next month:
I thought I would give you a heads-up of what’s to come in February. When you think of famous artists in history, who comes to mind? I’ll give you a second. Did you think of someone? Let me guess… was it a dead white European man? Thought so. Let’s change that. Of course, February is black history month. Each week in February, I will introduce you to a black artist that you can share with your student(s).

I do this in my courses for teenage homeschoolers as well. I DO talk about the “old masters,” but I also include a diverse group of artists that I use to spotlight for each lesson. If you would like to sample the first week of the course, you can sign up to do that here.


African American Artist Series: Meta Warrick Fuller


This is It: The Last Push to the Finish Line