Thanksgiving on Hard Mode

On the eve of Thanksgiving, all seemed set for a delightful feast—pumpkin pie baked, cornbread for dressing laid out to dry, and anticipation filled the air. But as fate would have it, the unexpected struck. I awoke feeling unwell, prompting a postponement of our gathering. Determined not to be deterred, we rescheduled for Saturday, only to encounter a major hurdle—the oven/stove decided to have an untimely death.

Rather than succumb to defeat, we embraced creativity. Out came the grill and smoker, despite the biting cold of a 30-something-degree day. Maintaining temperatures was a battle, elongating our cooking process. What was meant to be a lunch feast turned into an evening affair. As we were trying to boil water for the macaroni, our video-game-loving son said, “This is like Thanksgiving on hard mode.” Exhausted but undeterred, we persevered, and everything turned out amazing.

The triumph of that evening mirrored essential lessons for art.

Adaptability in Creativity: Just as we adapted our cooking methods, students can learn that art isn't bound by traditional tools. Embrace unconventional mediums; let limitations fuel innovation.

Persistence in the Creative Journey: Our determination in the face of obstacles reflects the essence of art. Projects may stumble, but persistence births remarkable outcomes.

Flexibility and Resourcefulness: Unexpected circumstances demand adaptability. Teach students to pivot their artistic visions, finding beauty even in unexpected turns.

Patience and Progress: Like our extended cooking time, art often takes longer than expected. Emphasize the value of patience; progress takes time, but it's always worth it.

Celebrating Achievements: Despite the challenges, the culmination was a taste of success. Similarly, in art, celebrate victories—small or grand—to encourage students in their creative endeavors.

Homeschool high school art isn't just about mastering techniques; it's a holistic journey encompassing resilience, adaptability, and the celebration of creative triumphs. As we reflected on that Thanksgiving evening, we realized that sometimes, the most beautiful masterpieces arise from the most unexpected canvases.

How do you embrace creativity amidst challenges in your art journey? Share your stories and let's celebrate the beauty of resilience in art!

While you are here, I have a free resource for you that I think you will love…”How to Support Your Homeschool Art Student.”


A Story from My Christmas past


The Ultimate Holiday Wishlist for your Art student